Park B1 in Marco Polo Airport

Venice, Italy
Architectural structural concept, schematic, detailed design, BIM Model, site supervision
DEERNS S.p.A, CSP, Dott.G.Anselmi

The aim of the project is to create a multi-storey car park that meets the needs of new parking spaces, deriving from the expansion of the Terminal Station and from the expected increase of number of passengers, in accordance with the provisions of Master Plan 2021.

The project is composed by the following main elements:

-  A multi-storey car park consisting of two underground levels, the ground floor and further three floors of parking above ground. This function is completed by all the complementary services (vertical and horizontal connection systems, technical rooms , etc ...);

- Offices and commercial areas on two floors above ground, located in the same building of the multi-storey car park, but functionally separated from it;

- The design of the roads system dedicated to the parking and connected to the public streets of the surroundings;

- Two pedestrian bridges that connect the parking respectively with the Terminal existing structure  and with the Moving Walkway, a recent building that links the Terminal with the area called “Darsena”.

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